Had an a great father’s day with my girls yesterday, I love them! They took me out to Mimi’s, food was good and overall they behaved. I’m running behind on the blog, in the middle of the wedding season that’s why, have a very beautiful couple to post photos from, well a photo, will add more later in the day, none other than Alissa & Fili who were referred to me by my good friends Ashley & Jeff who have now moved to Arizona and have the cutest baby girl, how awesome is that. And what do all parties mentioned in this post have in common? All raised in in Fountain Valley, that’s my place, “a nice place to live” is the motto for the city and I think it’s true, some pretty nice people around here. On to the photo(s) 🙂
Wedding photos in Huntington Beach
St. Jude Catholic Church Huntington Beach
Catholic Wedding Ceremony Huntington Beach
Wedding Ceremony Photos Huntington Beach
Wedding Ceremony Kiss Huntington Beach
Wedding Ceremony Exit Huntington Beach